Well #orange out
And ladies and gentlemen I do declare my Season 3 OITNB marathon to have ended. The Orange end credit Shot has been taken & the Season 3 credits have officially rolled for this crazy Canadian. My brain is sooo full of just all the things right now.
FYI this is GOING TO HAVE SPOILERS obviously & will probably be TDL;DR for lot's of people as well as all over the place as per my thoughts lol, my brain is hurting at the moment.
My first reaction was that I felt it was a very slow build up and my interest strayed a lot from Episode 1-5. Around episode 6 my attention was drawn back in but then I found the next two episodes sort of anti climatic. It wasn't until episode 10 where I was drawn back in again. The last few episodes seemed to just fly by with so many things happening.
Although this season was generally a lot lighter than Season 2, there were some fairly heavy things that happened especially for [spoiler]SoSo & Tiffany/Tucky[/spoiler] So I was very happy that things ended on such a happy note.
The one difference was the fact that this season had some very obvious themes woven into the plot such as the religion and what not. I actually didn't mind it too much to be honest. It was very interested how it all played out in the end. I also liked how Season 3 ended much were it all began - with water.
This season didn't really contain a lot of Back stories that I found particularly memorable. Chang's was entertaining, Leanne's was quite a different twist to what I had imagined it to be and Tiffany aka Tucky was truly heart breaking. I was very happy that we went back & learned more about her story.
As for Character development I felt that Tiffany/Tucky and SoSo had the strongest and most hashed out character growth this season. I also felt that Lorna really came into her own as well. I also felt like Gina, Boo & Mr Healy also had some solid growth. I wouldn't say I saw a huge amount of growth from Suzanne/Crazy Eyes but I did sympathize with her once again. In all honesty I feel that Uzo's best acting was in Season 1. I did wish that Poussey had more story lines and development but then again she is my absolute favorite.
In all honesty I didn't miss Nicky that much. In fact I sort of welcomed her absence not that I don't appreciate the character. I feel like Nicky was typically a character used for Comic & tension relief and with this season already being lighter on subject, her little sarcastic quips & jokes weren't really needed. I also couldn't really see how she could've added much to the plot.
I did miss Bennett though and felt that his absence was extremely weak with a lot of loose ends. However having said that perhaps it was one purpose... [spoiler]I feel like we don't know for Sure who called Child Protective services on Aleida's Boyfriend[/spoiler] Speaking of the never ending Daya Baby Mama Drama, let's talk about Pornstache's mom - Delia Powell played by the fabulous Mary Steenburgen. She had the biggest Character who wasn't a direct member of the Litchfield Community!!!! I LOVED it. She's like total Opposite of Pornstache!
I found that they really took down the Sex/Sex References down a few notches and I did like that. I found the whole hook up contest in Season 2 to be a bit over the top. Alex & piper were also fairly Low key which was nice. Piper in general seemed more level headed, stable and sane in her relationships for once.
As for general notes, I really did feel like the first few episodes felt like filler to me and I wish it hadn't of taken so long to be introduced to Stella & Lolly aka Ruby Rose & Lori Petty. I AM ALSO so excited that Daya has finally had the baby. YAY for that never ending plot line finally ending.
All in all Season 3 was enjoyable however I don't feel like this is an Award Winning Season. I am sure It will get nominated but I don't think there is too much hope of it nabbing Emmy Awards and that sort of thing. It could pick up awards for more viewer based/voting award shows but I just felt like it was lacking stellar stand out or even ensemble acting to merit prestigious awards.
Since the Season ended on such a happy note & was for once cliff hanger free and ended with a more solid ending, I do wonder where we will pick up next time.
What were all of your thoughts about the Season or the Episodes so far???