Wednesday, December 17, 2014


These are my favorite goals to do because I love creative writing and just using my imagination! These goals are all about using visualization and affirmations to help you succeed in achieving the goal! 

See End Result - Picture the end result in your head. See yourself taking and following through with all of your plans and finally visualize yourself successfully completing this goal. 

Accept End Result - Open yourself to believing that you will achieve this goal with absolute conviction and true faith within yourself and your capabilities. You are going to make this happen - You WILL achieve this goal! Use positive affirmations to deepen your belief in yourself & your success! 

Feel End Result - As you visualize yourself going through the steps and successfully achieving your goal allow yourself to truly feel any emotions you believe you would feel upon completing this goal! The stronger the attraction to the goal the more real it can become. 

Express End result - Taking action in your firm belief is the final step. Meditate and visualize yourself going through the entire process and successfully achieving your goal. Verbally and vividly describe it to yourself being sure to include all of the senses in your visualization. Make this come to life in your head and that will help deepen your beliefs in yourself. 

SMART goal setting

SMART Goal Setting 

Specific - What is your specific goal? Cover the details of How/when/who/why/what/where. Break down the big picture into small chunks. Identify the first steps to achieving your goal! 

Measurable - How will you measure your success? Be creative, detailed, honest and specific. What is it you really want - why do you want it now - and what will happen if you don't achieve it? 

Actions - Write out every single tiny little ACTION step you will need to take to achieve your goal. Go crazy specific and over board with tiny details! 
Achievable - After writing down the actions you will need to take to succeed do you really truly believe that you can successfully achieve this goal? 
Is it time to readjust your previous steps in order to best succeed? 

Reasonable: What do you reasonably need to successfully achieve this goal (time/money/support etc) Keeping this in mind is your goal still doable? 
Realistic - Is your goal realistic for you to achieve? Do any of the previous steps need to be revised with reality in mind? 

Timeline - When do you want to or need to achieve this goal by? If you don't need to will you still give yourself a deadline? 

So that my friend is how to do some smart goal planning - only 2 more acronyms left! 

Goal Planning Phase 2

Goal Planning - Phase 2
First Acronym = SMART
Time Line 

second Acronym = SAFE 
SEE end result 
Affirm/Accept end result 
Feel End Result 
Express End results 

Third Acronym (top corner) = GID



So welcome to the last set of goal methods in Part 1 of goal planning and the next of many more Acronyms! Everybody meet Esper - she's pretty crisp and to the point in execution of method application. When you say ESPER out loud it kind of makes me imagine she's a no nonsense kind of person. 
Establish - Set the vision and the goal in place

Strategy - Devise strategies to succeed in achieving goal

Planning - Identify plan elements based on strategies 

Execution Bring the plan and goal to Life. Answer 5W's 

Review -  Assess the different possible outcomes and figure out your next steps based on that (Risk of failure/Success Rates etc) 

Goal Timeline

When ...What time...How old... 
Frankly these questions freak me out more than BHAGS do. When do you want to accomplish things, how old do you want to be... Ugh the big adult topics. 

So how about we break it down a bit. I know with the BHAG's I asked you about the future and what goals you want to set. Now it's time to back it up a bit & think more near foggy future. 

What is one goal you absolutely want to accomplish this year? What is one thing you want to do to improve your life (or the lives of others) that would fill your heart with total pride at the end of the year when your thinking back over everything you did and you get to say "yeah that's right, I did that." 

What are some goals that you think would be swell to achieve this upcoming year but wouldn't be heart broken next new year's eve when they didn't get done? 

The goals that you absolutely feel you must achieve those are your Primary & concrete goals. That means that they are going to be stuck to you like glue this year and most of your attention & time will be spent working towards achieving them. 

The second goals I asked you to name - the ones that wouldn't tear you apart inside if they got left on the 2015 to do list come 2016. They are what I like to call your Floating secondary goals. They just laze around - chilling - waiting for you to either go after them or for you to shove them further out to sea and just let them go. 

Now what you can do here is either move on to plan monthly goals or take a few minutes and think about some goals you want to achieve both primary & secondary six month from now or how about a goal set for each season? 

Now the fun part! Each month what I do is  I pretty much do all of these steps in order every single month at the start of the month! Even the big life question type ones (purpose in life/primary goal/motivators) because I feel that the longer you remain on this kind of path (goal setting; following through; being disciplined and determined to get things down followed by eventual goal achievement) you truly go on this incredible life journey that slowly changes you (In a good way!) 

So each month set 1 concrete goal for yourself (Doesn't have to be huge - it could be very small/doable such as organizing things to donate to charity versus Big ones like say Buy a Puppy.) 

Now think about several small floating goals you think it would be swell to get done or ones that tie in with that primary goal. 

Now what I would recommend you do and only because this method worked really well for me - is grab a blank calender and just fill in those dates with goals at random (don't pay attention to time frame) just CIRCLE those dates & Saw I CHOOSE you... use bright colored pens go circle/line crazy, make it so you can't read it. 

Now once you've done that rapid fire style. Look at how the weeks divide up (how many full weeks are there this month.) 
In your head divide the weeks up however you want. 

On the back of that practice calender flip it over and start writing out weekly goals. Now I tend to put the most emphasis on my floating goals & when possible try to make my floating goals the stepping stones to achieving my big Primary hundred ton weigh me down concrete goal. 

I also tend to prefer to set the concrete goal so that it can take as long as possible to achieve it. That way I'm getting a boost from having successfully ticked off however many floating goals I was able to. 

Now feel free to make these daily specific - I choose to not make set daily goals but add goals to white board that I use for my daily  calender and my to do list - that's where I add daily goals (like today I'd like to read etc.) Difference between goals & to do list is of course to do is things you have to do (Like work) versus things you would like to do (hobbies.) I started using a this white board last year and I use it more as a vision board & way to stay grounded and allow each day to be it's own (Wipe it clean daily - metaphor) 

ALRIGHT Y my goal setting champs let's continue on. 

Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAGing it can be fun!)



What does that mean to you? When I first came across the term Audacious I didn't know what it meant but I got the vibe that these are your intimidating goals! 

Now before I straight up ask you what you want your BHAGs take a minute to reflect upon the past. Was there ever a time that you hit a wall. Did you ever get set to a task/project/assignment/challenge that filled you with dread & caused you to have an anxiety attack? 

  • Now did you accomplish that goal? 
  • Did you at least put up a valiant attempt at finishing it? 
  • Or did you give up right away? 
  • What led you to choose whatever option you did? 
  • Do you regret that choice or does it make you proud? 

Now I want you to think back to one time you did succeed in completing a BHAG (even if it was never your intention to make it an "official goal." So an example could be learning to walk or talk etc. Mastering a foreign language (even if it was grade 9 and your school forced you to take it.) 

Now think about a Big Hairy Audacious Goal you would like to achieve soon (Within the next say 5 years) 
Owning your own home? 
Building a retirement savings account? 
Paying off debt? 
Having that job you've always wanted but never thought you could (even if it means quitting your current career/

Think about the future now (no time limits of sorts) think about one BHAG you want to achieve before you die! What is it and why? How much value would completing it bring to your life? 

Now the last one is also a future thinking one. Think about your Future child/grandchild/great grandchild. What would one BHAG be that you would want to fulfill before you died that you want them to know about one day! I know its' kind of tricky but it goes back to what do you want your legacy to be? 
When your future relative looks back at your huge achomplishment how do you want them to feel about it. Proud? Inspired? Jealous? Inquisitive? 

So enough with the bhags let's keep moving down the goal setting plan of attack! 

*Side note I like acronyms so be prepared for lots of them*  

Goal setting & why getting to know yourself is important!

All About you 
Life purpose; life goals; what in life motivates you

Take a moment to think about yourself - truly think back upon what you have successfully achieved in your life. Any kind of influential impact you have already left upon this world. These are just things to keep in mind so that when it comes to setting goals they align better with your life purpose/life goal/and what motivates you to succeed. 

What is your purpose in life? (if you have problems answering this here are some prompts for you to think a bit more) 

  1. What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind you when you leave? 
  2. What has been your biggest accomplishment to date? 
  3. Did this accomplishment impact only your life or did it touch the lives of others too? 
  4. Do you believe in Random Acts of Kindness? 
  5. If you have (or when you do have) a child what trait from your personality do you want them to learn from, be inspired by, and adopt for themselves? 
  6. When you leave this Earth - what would you like people to say about you? 

What is your primary goal in life? 

  1. What goal do you want to accomplish as soon as you are able to? 
  2. What goal would you hate to leave unfinished if you were to pass away tomorrow? 
  3. What is one thing you have always wanted to do and or accomplish since you were young. 
  4. What has been stopping you? 
  5. Are there any goals you already accomplished but wouldn't mind expanding upon and striving to do even better at finishing? 
  6. What is one goal that you wish/or already have achieved that you want to be a part of your legacy? 
  7. What is one goal that you want to achieve or already have done so - that you want future generations to know about? 
  8. Why? 

What motivates you? 

What motivates you to succeed? 

Is  it 
a person - 
the idea of a challenge -
 the opportunity for self growth - 
the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow - 
The Bragging rights you would get once you achieved that goal? 
Personal Gain of some sort? 
The ability to better humanity in some way? 
To continue to strive for success regardless of challenges you face so that you can finish the task knowing you truly tried your best & beat odds to do so? 
Is it the opportunity to inspire others through your actions (never giving up/continually trying etc) 

Do you feel like you are motivated for purely selfish reasons (better your life/improve your life/do something for you) 
Or are you motivated by more selfless acts like doing things for the better of humanity?
You dream of changing other people's lives? 

You see once you choose a goal & kind of lock it down - it really has to gel with your personality & attitude. This is one of the best ways to ensure your successful at achieving goals! 

ABC Planning for goal Setting


Acquire Knowledge 

About yourself - perform an Honest evaluation 
  1. What are your Strengths and weaknesses? 
  2. What are your skills? 
  3. What would you have to build upon to improve yourself? (Confidence/determination/focus) 
Build a Plan 
  1. What you are working towards. 
  2. is this a project you are creating? 
  3. Is this just for you or is this part of your career/schooling? 
  4. Are you working individually/with a group of people/as a member of an organization/business? (tell me about any of the applicable - i.e have you gleaned a variety of knowledge about the task at hand?  
Create a Team 
  1. Who supports you unconditionally and is always in your corner no matter what the situation? 
  2. Who supports you but on a slightly lower level (perhaps when it's convenient for them.) 
  3. Who is willing to be honest with you - no matter what? 
  4. Who is willing to show you some tough love in order to push you to succeed? 
  5. Who is always there for you whether you need a shoulder to cry on, a warm hug, a hand to hold or just an ear to listen? 
  6. Who gives you rock solid, well thought out advice when you need it? 
  7. Who do you really look up to? Who inspires you? 
  8. Does anyone support you financially or do you need someone to do so in order to achieve these goals? 
These are the type of people who should be on your team. A combination that can support you, empower you, inspire you, challenge you and  uplift you? 

Goal Setting 101

Goal Setting 101
Now just so everyone knows I use all of these methods to create goal plans for myself monthly (and eventually divide them up into weekly & daily goals.) I spend upwards of 6 hours setting goals once a month. However since I started doing this I have noticed huge improvements in my mental attitude; my ability to focus; and I can now keep the determination alive within myself long enough to actually follow through and achieve my goals! 

So the PLAN - Part A 

1. ABC Planning 
2. What is your Life purpose, your life goal, and what motivates you? 
3. Big Hairy Audacious Goals - BHAG 
4. What are your Yearly/Seasonal/Monthly/Weekly/and daily goals? 
Which of these goals are concrete - which ones must You absolutely  achieve?  (PRIMARY GOALS) 
Which goals do you want to achieve but are willing to or would be fine with giving up on or swapping around time wise? (FLOATING GOALS) 
5. Establish - Strategies - Planning - Execution - Review  = ESPER 

Achieving the impossible

This past year has been full of changes in my life. In the Summer I came eye to eye with what I thought would be my own personal mount Everest, it was this huge daunting project that set me into a a whirl wind of anxiety.
To be fair this story starts with the passing of my friend back in May. That single event caused me to rethink my entire life in particular my attitude. Not that I had a horrible attitude - my problem was my slight lack of confidence which usually always planted seeds of doubt within my brain and that more or often or not allowed my passion for something to disappear.

So it was because of Austin and my choice to live life to the fullest, to grab every opportunity and try my best to always strive towards success (albeit allowing my self to fall forward at the same time) I decided  I wanted to always find ways to challenge myself. Regardless if this was simply changing my mental attitude and forcing myself to glean from every experience no matter whether it was a negative or highly positive experience.

So I started scoping the internet for how to set goals successfully and found a few very good methods which I combine with several I learnt at leadership conferences and summer camps I attended!
So ladies and gentlemen GOAL Setting with Chelsea,

Before I continue on I will explain that I now dedicate at least 5 hours to planning out my goals once per month. When I was working on setting goals for the musical  I was in (my mount Everest) I was spending upwards of 12 hours applying over 9 goal setting strategies more or less twice over since I always made two sets of Goals - my acting goals & my personal life goals!

So I'm just going to show you the methods I find work for me and what order I do them in. Feel free to pick and choose what you find easiest to do - this post isn't about me but about you!  I just want to add that the past several months I spent working towards better myself, my life, and my skills as an actress have been some of the most benefical to me as a person. I grew immensely as a person & I truly feel it was because of the goal setting I did.

I hope that you decide to read on and become inspired too!

CeCe Celebrating life