Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Goal setting & why getting to know yourself is important!

All About you 
Life purpose; life goals; what in life motivates you

Take a moment to think about yourself - truly think back upon what you have successfully achieved in your life. Any kind of influential impact you have already left upon this world. These are just things to keep in mind so that when it comes to setting goals they align better with your life purpose/life goal/and what motivates you to succeed. 

What is your purpose in life? (if you have problems answering this here are some prompts for you to think a bit more) 

  1. What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind you when you leave? 
  2. What has been your biggest accomplishment to date? 
  3. Did this accomplishment impact only your life or did it touch the lives of others too? 
  4. Do you believe in Random Acts of Kindness? 
  5. If you have (or when you do have) a child what trait from your personality do you want them to learn from, be inspired by, and adopt for themselves? 
  6. When you leave this Earth - what would you like people to say about you? 

What is your primary goal in life? 

  1. What goal do you want to accomplish as soon as you are able to? 
  2. What goal would you hate to leave unfinished if you were to pass away tomorrow? 
  3. What is one thing you have always wanted to do and or accomplish since you were young. 
  4. What has been stopping you? 
  5. Are there any goals you already accomplished but wouldn't mind expanding upon and striving to do even better at finishing? 
  6. What is one goal that you wish/or already have achieved that you want to be a part of your legacy? 
  7. What is one goal that you want to achieve or already have done so - that you want future generations to know about? 
  8. Why? 

What motivates you? 

What motivates you to succeed? 

Is  it 
a person - 
the idea of a challenge -
 the opportunity for self growth - 
the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow - 
The Bragging rights you would get once you achieved that goal? 
Personal Gain of some sort? 
The ability to better humanity in some way? 
To continue to strive for success regardless of challenges you face so that you can finish the task knowing you truly tried your best & beat odds to do so? 
Is it the opportunity to inspire others through your actions (never giving up/continually trying etc) 

Do you feel like you are motivated for purely selfish reasons (better your life/improve your life/do something for you) 
Or are you motivated by more selfless acts like doing things for the better of humanity?
You dream of changing other people's lives? 

You see once you choose a goal & kind of lock it down - it really has to gel with your personality & attitude. This is one of the best ways to ensure your successful at achieving goals! 

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