Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Goal Timeline

When ...What time...How old... 
Frankly these questions freak me out more than BHAGS do. When do you want to accomplish things, how old do you want to be... Ugh the big adult topics. 

So how about we break it down a bit. I know with the BHAG's I asked you about the future and what goals you want to set. Now it's time to back it up a bit & think more near foggy future. 

What is one goal you absolutely want to accomplish this year? What is one thing you want to do to improve your life (or the lives of others) that would fill your heart with total pride at the end of the year when your thinking back over everything you did and you get to say "yeah that's right, I did that." 

What are some goals that you think would be swell to achieve this upcoming year but wouldn't be heart broken next new year's eve when they didn't get done? 

The goals that you absolutely feel you must achieve those are your Primary & concrete goals. That means that they are going to be stuck to you like glue this year and most of your attention & time will be spent working towards achieving them. 

The second goals I asked you to name - the ones that wouldn't tear you apart inside if they got left on the 2015 to do list come 2016. They are what I like to call your Floating secondary goals. They just laze around - chilling - waiting for you to either go after them or for you to shove them further out to sea and just let them go. 

Now what you can do here is either move on to plan monthly goals or take a few minutes and think about some goals you want to achieve both primary & secondary six month from now or how about a goal set for each season? 

Now the fun part! Each month what I do is  I pretty much do all of these steps in order every single month at the start of the month! Even the big life question type ones (purpose in life/primary goal/motivators) because I feel that the longer you remain on this kind of path (goal setting; following through; being disciplined and determined to get things down followed by eventual goal achievement) you truly go on this incredible life journey that slowly changes you (In a good way!) 

So each month set 1 concrete goal for yourself (Doesn't have to be huge - it could be very small/doable such as organizing things to donate to charity versus Big ones like say Buy a Puppy.) 

Now think about several small floating goals you think it would be swell to get done or ones that tie in with that primary goal. 

Now what I would recommend you do and only because this method worked really well for me - is grab a blank calender and just fill in those dates with goals at random (don't pay attention to time frame) just CIRCLE those dates & Saw I CHOOSE you... use bright colored pens go circle/line crazy, make it so you can't read it. 

Now once you've done that rapid fire style. Look at how the weeks divide up (how many full weeks are there this month.) 
In your head divide the weeks up however you want. 

On the back of that practice calender flip it over and start writing out weekly goals. Now I tend to put the most emphasis on my floating goals & when possible try to make my floating goals the stepping stones to achieving my big Primary hundred ton weigh me down concrete goal. 

I also tend to prefer to set the concrete goal so that it can take as long as possible to achieve it. That way I'm getting a boost from having successfully ticked off however many floating goals I was able to. 

Now feel free to make these daily specific - I choose to not make set daily goals but add goals to white board that I use for my daily  calender and my to do list - that's where I add daily goals (like today I'd like to read etc.) Difference between goals & to do list is of course to do is things you have to do (Like work) versus things you would like to do (hobbies.) I started using a this white board last year and I use it more as a vision board & way to stay grounded and allow each day to be it's own (Wipe it clean daily - metaphor) 

ALRIGHT Y my goal setting champs let's continue on. 

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