Goal Setting 101
Now just so everyone knows I use all of these methods to create goal plans for myself monthly (and eventually divide them up into weekly & daily goals.) I spend upwards of 6 hours setting goals once a month. However since I started doing this I have noticed huge improvements in my mental attitude; my ability to focus; and I can now keep the determination alive within myself long enough to actually follow through and achieve my goals!
So the PLAN - Part A
1. ABC Planning
2. What is your Life purpose, your life goal, and what motivates you?
3. Big Hairy Audacious Goals - BHAG
4. What are your Yearly/Seasonal/Monthly/Weekly/and daily goals?
Which of these goals are concrete - which ones must You absolutely achieve? (PRIMARY GOALS)
Which goals do you want to achieve but are willing to or would be fine with giving up on or swapping around time wise? (FLOATING GOALS)
5. Establish - Strategies - Planning - Execution - Review = ESPER
Here is a link I found about setting goals. Really quick read and super helpful