Friday, June 12, 2015

Orange is the new Black Season 3 Thoughts

Well #orange out

And ladies and gentlemen I do declare my Season 3 OITNB marathon to have ended. The Orange end credit Shot has been taken & the Season 3 credits have officially rolled for this crazy Canadian. My brain is sooo full of just all the things right now.
FYI this is GOING TO HAVE SPOILERS obviously & will probably be TDL;DR for lot's of people as well as all over the place as per my thoughts lol, my brain is hurting at the moment.

My first reaction was that I felt it was a very slow build up and my interest strayed a lot from Episode 1-5. Around episode 6 my attention was drawn back in but then I found the next two episodes sort of anti climatic. It wasn't until episode 10 where I was drawn back in again. The last few episodes seemed to just fly by with so many things happening.

Although this season was generally a lot lighter than Season 2, there were some fairly heavy things that happened especially for [spoiler]SoSo & Tiffany/Tucky[/spoiler] So I was very happy that things ended on such a happy note.

The one difference was the fact that this season had some very obvious themes woven into the plot such as the religion and what not. I actually didn't mind it too much to be honest. It was very interested how it all played out in the end. I also liked how Season 3 ended much were it all began - with water.

This season didn't really contain a lot of Back stories that I found particularly memorable. Chang's was entertaining, Leanne's was quite a different twist to what I had imagined it to be and Tiffany aka Tucky was truly heart breaking. I was very happy that we went back & learned more about her story.

As for Character development I felt that Tiffany/Tucky and SoSo had the strongest and most hashed out character growth this season. I also felt that Lorna really came into her own as well. I also felt like Gina, Boo & Mr Healy also had some solid growth. I wouldn't say I saw a huge amount of growth from Suzanne/Crazy Eyes but I did sympathize with her once again. In all honesty I feel that Uzo's best acting was in Season 1. I did wish that Poussey had more story lines and development but then again she is my absolute favorite.

In all honesty I didn't miss Nicky that much. In fact I sort of welcomed her absence not that I don't appreciate the character. I feel like Nicky was typically a character used for Comic & tension relief and with this season already being lighter on subject, her little sarcastic quips & jokes weren't really needed. I also couldn't really see how she could've added much to the plot.

I did miss Bennett though and felt that his absence was extremely weak with a lot of loose ends. However having said that perhaps it was one purpose... [spoiler]I feel like we don't know for Sure who called Child Protective services on  Aleida's Boyfriend[/spoiler] Speaking of the never ending Daya Baby Mama Drama, let's talk about Pornstache's mom - Delia Powell played by the fabulous Mary Steenburgen. She had the biggest Character who wasn't a direct member of the Litchfield Community!!!! I LOVED it. She's like total Opposite of Pornstache!

I found that they really took down the Sex/Sex References down a few notches and I did like that. I found the whole hook up contest in Season 2 to be a bit over the top. Alex & piper were also fairly Low key which was nice. Piper in general seemed more level headed, stable and sane in her relationships for once.

As for general notes, I really did feel like the first few episodes  felt like filler to me and I wish it hadn't of taken so long to be introduced to Stella & Lolly aka Ruby Rose & Lori Petty. I AM ALSO so excited that Daya has finally had  the baby. YAY for that never ending plot line finally ending.

All in all Season 3 was enjoyable however I don't feel like this is an Award Winning Season. I am sure It will get nominated but I don't think there is too much hope of it nabbing Emmy Awards and that sort of thing. It could  pick up awards for more viewer based/voting award shows but I just felt like it was lacking stellar stand out or even ensemble acting to merit prestigious awards.

Since the Season ended on such a happy note & was for once cliff hanger free and ended  with a more solid ending, I do wonder where we will pick up next time.

What were all of your thoughts about the Season or the Episodes so far???
A photo posted by Cece (@princesscece1991) on

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

World Tuberculosis Day

World Tuberculosis Day

World Tuberculosis Day 

Today March 24th is known as World Tuberculosis Day - World Health Organization World TB day (United Nations) is hosted by World Health Organization  and has been an annual event since 1982. March 24th was chosen as World TB day (WTBD)  because on March 24th back in 1882 a Doctor by the name of Robert Koch announced his discovery of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis which is the bacteria that causes Tuberculosis (aka TB.) 

Today on World (Stop) TB Day  serves as a day for the world to group together to raise awareness for Tuberculosis and mobilize Political and Social Commitment of continued progress towards fully eliminating TB. Though there has been a lot of progress with TB it remains one of  the worlds top health challenges with dismal statistics. In 2013 there were 9 million new Tuberculosis cases & 1.5 million people have died. 
For World Tuberculosis Day 2015 the theme is Reach. Treat. Cure Everyone. It is a call on all global citizens to continue the commitment to find, treat and cure all people with TB as well as the continual effort to eventually ending Tuberculosis all together by 2035. The 2015 World TB Day will signal the push for a renewed effort to alert Health Ministers to the global, regional and National TB emergency and emphasize the fact that current TB Situation is unacceptable. 
The campaign this year (2015)  also provides the platform needed to highlight the urgent need to fill the funding gap of $2 billion USD needed for TB interventions,  research and development and highlight the need to eliminate barriers to recommended TB Drugs and diagnostics.. 
TB should be everyone's concern and there fore everyone should take an active role in fighting against Tuberculosis. 

How you can help- 
Social media: Members of the public can join the World TB Day awareness-raising campaign hrough social media to bring attention to the Stop TB & World TB Day issues. 
You can take part by using the Suggested  hashtags #WTBD2015 #WorldTBDay2015 and #ReachTreatCureEveryone  #TB and checking out the Stop TB Partnership Facebook Page or tweeting  @StopTB on Twitter

As of of today 9 million people become sick with Tuberculosis annually and roughly 3 million of those people do not get the care they deserve since they are either undiagnosed, untreated and ultimately uncured. In 2015 WHO wants to improve the quality of existing programmes and access to care and services of those who are impacted by Tuberculosis.  

There is a critical need to address weaknesses in Countries health systems and push the need for sustained and regular funding, political engagement and ultimately support. Countries need to take TB seriously and thus up their investments in Tuberculosis in a way that is cost efficient.TB should be everyone's concern and there fore everyone should take an active role in fighting against Tuberculosis. 

In May of 2014 the WHO passed and approved a New Post 2015 Global Tuberculosis strategy called the WHO End TB Strategy. The idea is to create a  world free of tuberculosis and end TB forever by 2035. The major parts of the Strategy were as follows

The principles are

  1. Government stewardship and accountability, with monitoring and evaluation
  2.  Strong coalition with civil society organizations and communities 
  3.  Protection and promotion of human rights, ethics and equity
  4. Adaptation of the strategy and targets at country level, with global collaboration 
Some of the goals of the strategy are to decrease the rates of Tuberculosis related deaths by certain percents and specific times. By 2020 they want to reduce TB related deaths by 35%, in 2025 they want to reduce the rate by 75%, in 2030 they want to see the rate of TB caused deaths as low as 90% and eventually work towards 95% to total eradication of Tuberculosis and TB Caused deaths to  by 2035. 

The End TB strategy  calls on governments to adapt and implement the strategy with high-level commitment and financing . It reinforces a focus within the strategy on serving populations highly vulnerable to infection and poor health care access, such as migrants. The strategy and resolution highlight the need to engage partners within the health sector and beyond, such as in the fields of social protection, labour, immigration and justice. The resolution requests the WHO Secretariat to help Member States adapt and operationalize the strategy, noting the importance of tackling the problem of multidrug-resistant TB and promoting collaboration across international borders. WHO is also asked to monitor implementation and evaluate progress towards the milestones and the 2035 targets.

Embedded image permalink

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Welcome to GOAL setting 2.0 & Say Hello to SWOT planning

Welcome to my second series of Goal setting techniques & strategies. These are a bit more advanced than my previous Series Goal Setting 101.
The first in my new series is SWOT Planning, which is a method you apply BEFORE you start setting goals!!!!! 

SWOT stands for Strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Basically SWOT is to help you map out (a group) or your own strengths; weaknesses, identify threats and figure out how everything all relates to opportunities.  I will show you 3 different ways SWOT can be applied - each one slightly more complicated as we go along. 

 This is an example of how to do a very simple SWOT analysis. See Strengths and weaknesses can be internal (both you as a person or within a group) where as opportunities and threats are external (outside of your control.)

  1. What I want you to do is to identify some of your Strengths and some of your weaknesses.
  2.  The first part in the External columns are opportunities. These can be defined as the current opportunity you have, or the opportunities that can come from this project; they can also be future things that can happen, all in all they are any advantages you may see from doing this.  
  3. Lastly identify any threats that you or the project may face. These can include environmental threats, opposing mentality threats, or even inner threats you may face (Such as in your own head.) 
Now that you have your SWOT analysis you can use it to help you set your current goals & hopefully by taking a good look at yourself & fully assessing the situation you can set much more realistic goals. 

 This is a slightly more complicated SWOT Analysis. See how it creates a grid pattern where your strengths (internal) and opportunities (external) are Helpful & positive things where as the Weaknesses (Internal) & Threats (external) fall under the Harmful & negative category.

Take some time to dwell on this new SWOT analysis as you  name your strengths, identify the opportunities that are to your advantage and take a hard look at your weaknesses and identify the threats you may face that might put you at a disadvantage.
Lastly we have the most complex SWOT analysis chart. Where you have a 9x9 column. This is a bit more tricky. 

  1. So why don't you fill out the top row first & identify your Strengths as well as your weaknesses. 
  2. Secondly shift your attention to the far Left columns and figure out the opportunities you could benefit from & identify threats you might face. 
This is where it gets tricky

  •  Next head to the middle column and fill Center Box. You will see opportunities --> Strengths strategies. Use the strengths you identified to create a plan that would allow you to take the most advantage of your opportunities!! 
  • Next look at the bottom middle box where it says Threat --> Strength strategies. Use the strengths you identified to AVOID the THREATS (if you can!) 
  • Lastly we will look at the far right box column, center down. 
  • Opportunity --> Weaknesses strategies. This is going to become the guide to OVERCOME your weaknesses by taking advantage of your opportunities. 
  • Take a look at the bottom Right Box now. 
  • Threat --> Weakness Strategies. This will become your guide to how you can minimize your weaknesses to avoid threats! 

 There now you are SWOT certifed PRE- GOAL planning strategy planners :) I hope this makes sense, if not try to google the method or attempt the easiest method first before you try the more difficult ones :)

GID Goal Planning

Get It Done 

Welcome to the last part of Goal Setting 101 - aka the forgotten chapter since I apparently forgot to add this to my goal setting 101 series even though I made a reference to it. 

Once you have your goals set and sorted into primary or secondary & have created an ideal timeline for when you want to achieve these goals, it comes time for the Post GOAL setting planning stage. 

Basically once you have the goals laid out, it's time to prioritize them & GET IT DONE - It's GI(ddy) up time ya'll. So go forth and set some goals my young pad-wan learners and find your inner yoda and achieve the goals. There is not try only do or do not ;) 

ALSO keep your eyes peeled for GOAL Setting for the more advanced which should be coming at yo faces later today :D 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

2015 OSCAR predictions

Bullseye goal setting

Bulls Eye Goal setting 

How to nail the Bulls eye by working through each target 

This is basically a method I invented myself whilst trying to do some brainstorming on a project that is unrelated to goals. I quickly thought it can quite easily adapt to be feasible for Goal Setting techniques as well. 

Basically you pick an ultimate goal (that is going to be your bulls eye) and than you create outer circles pertaining to things that you either need to achieve or are blocking your way to success. I personally fill up each circle  (I like to over plan) before I continue to the next inner ring. 
This part is super flexible and you can have as many rings as you want to. 

 Viola you have reached your inner target & while doing so created a solid foundation for goal setting, planning and achieving. 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

My internet is a HUGE sad Face
this is the town next to mine. Where the actual Internet & t.v cables are actually located...
It's like double that of my own crappy town...

So I finally took an internet speed test after I gave up trying to upload a video yesterday (it is exactly 4:52 seconds & I waited patiently for 3 hours but it never went below 1000 minute upload time!!!!!!!!! So I gave up!

MY internet is just pathetic. I think it would be a 1000% times faster if I tethered my phone and piggy backed my 4G...

THIS IS the miserable results I got whilst attempting to upload on youtube

Friday, February 6, 2015

Wear Red Day & Heart Health Awareness

This morning as I was watching American Morning talk shows I kept noticing people wearing red & talking about Red dare. So I checked out the webite
which is an American Initiative started in 2003 to bring Awareness to Women's Heart Health.
Since this Awareness Campaign started nearly 300 fewer women die from heart disease and stroke each day.  However Heart Disease and Stroke still kills 1 in every 3 women, something that should have been 80% preventable. 

February is of Course Heart Health Awareness month which is why in America Wear Red Day is held on the first Friday of the month. 
Naturally I was hoping Canada also took part in a Wear Red Day awareness campaign but alas they do not. The Heart and Stroke foundation of Canada do however spend the month of  February  hosting their annual month long Canvasing initiative where more than 70,000 volunteers across Canada will go door to door  as well as use the internet to do some virtual Canvasing!  
Did you know that every seven minutes in Canada, a Life is taken by Heart Disease or stroke? 
So anyway I decided that regardless of the fact that my Country does not officially take part in Wear Red Day, I decided Heck yeah I'm going to ROCK the RED. 

Heart Health & Disease awareness is an issue that is very near and dear to my heart - no pun intended. In the last few years I've realized how little I knew about various Heart health Problems. 
Firstly Heart's Don't discriminate, so long as you are a human and you have a beating heart you are susceptible to suffering from some type of Heart Related health issue. There are so many Heart related health issues that people face besides the Well known High blood pressure, heart murmurs and the dreaded  heart attacks and strokes.

These are some of the less known Heart Issues that you or someone you may know could end up facing one day. Albeit these are the more "Rare" heart issues so don't start panicking. 
These conditions can include things like  Heart Valve diseases - where one of the symptoms is having a leaky valve! 
Another health concern is Heart Muscle disease which can cause anything from your heart muscles becoming restricted, dilated, or the muscles enlarge. There are also other things that are centered around specific parts of your heart - such as having an Enlarged Aortic Arch. 

When I said that Heart Health & Disease awareness was an issue that was near and dear to my heart, I meant literally. Is is an issue with my heart as  I have an Enlarged Aortic Root. The terrifying thing about these last two issues is the fact that if they go untreated they have the HIGH possibility to cause either Heart  aneurysms or Heart Dissection. The cause for my enlarged Aortic Root  is due to a Rare, chronic, complex & life threatening Condition I have. However lucky for me I was diagnosed with my condition & subsequent Heart issue at 19 & was put under the care of a cardiologist. I have Echo-cardiograms between once a year or no less then once every other year.   

There is Hope for those who have heart issues because with modern medicine that is constantly advancing, Specific treatment plans & health teams, and constantly advancing Surgery techniques having any kind of HEART ISSUE is not necessarily a death sentence. In fact with a proper Health Team by your side, a medical treatment plan can be put in place to help you live as normally as you are able to (there are of course restrictions & adaptations that you will most likely have to make) and with all hope you should be able to live a long & happy life!

I am going to be wearing RED EVERY DAY this month & am looking into setting up an Online Canvasing page for the Heart Stroke Foundation of Canada and using my Social Media to help Raise both Awareness & money! I am inviting those who have Normal Hearts to Rise on up with those of us who have broken hearts & rock the RED, raise your voice, and Research about Hearts!

<3 p="">Below are pictures of me ROCKING the Red from The First Friday & today. 
I'm pretty sure I will be sending out Valentines to certain people in my life this year! Including (if they accept) the one loyal viewer I have had since I casually started talking to a camera 3 years ago.
They have supported and welcomed me back after a year of not uploading anything where I was just talking to a camera. I also have several other people in my life whom have shown me kindness & Support within the last year especially, who I feel like showing my gratitude towards.

2014 was an incredibly difficult year & the true impact of someone truly being gone is still something that is a struggle to deal with. Loss & grief can be filled with such strong feelings that can include things like regret. Sadly in the past I often went without truly expressing my feelings of gratitude towards people who have had/currently do mean a great deal to me.

Since May of Last year I have tried to make it a point of expressing my sincere feelings when it comes to people who have been a part of my life. It took facing a huge loss to come to this wake-up call at a huge cost - the regret of never fully communicating to someone how much they meant to me.

So many people dub Valentines Day as a day specifically for people who have significant others. I truly don't feel that it has to be exclusively just for couples. Last year I respected the day for it's more historic roots, however this year I think I will be throwing it back to Elementary school where you gave out dorky valentines to everyone in your class by sending out cards & small home made gifts, to people I've truly come to appreciate.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

I had vlogged for a short while in 2012/2013 but stopped once I stopped using my phone to vlog & bought a camera for the specific reason of vlogging. Then came the nightmare of converting (files constantly rejected) & uploading. After a few videos & several rejected videos, I decided to quit something I enjoyed. 
However, Back in November I was in a Musical called Nunset Boulevard. TO help me practice I literally recorded  hundreds of videos of me rehearsing and what not and uploaded them to Youtube, sharing the links with my Acting coach & mainly doing it so I could have easy access to footage of myself and figure out what I was doing well/poorly/right/wrong etc. I was shocked at how easy & fast everything uploaded! I could literally 20 short videos & upload half of them within hours. Heck I didn't even have huge problems uploading 10 minute long videos. 

So I thought hey I loved it the first time around let's try it again since this was a breeze. I began to pick up from where I left off and started vlogging & posting publicaly to Youtube once more. As of the past few weeks I am saddened that my enjoyable hobby has become a HUGE BATTLE between me, my computer, my camera, and my Beloved Youtube! 

Tonight was the last straw & I am Going to be calling my internet provider tomorrow. Internet has gotten pretty terrible since they last came and "fixed it" (mistake they caused whilst installing digital cable.) Ever since the cable guy killed the internet & someone else returned to fix it. Uploading has become a serious struggle. 4-5 minute videos take several hours to upload.
And it's not a camera setting issue or editing the files. My camera setting hasn't changed since November and I can't edit to save my life.

So whatever they did to the internet has literally made it a thousand times worse. Even my phone can barely connect to WiFi decently so I'm mostly using my flipping 4g.
So disappointed. Maybe for the next few uploads I will just freaking tether my phone and connect to it's WiFi. ..

ABSOLUTELY disheartened that a video that was literally 4:53 seconds took just under 10 and a half hours to UPLOAD. -_- 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Bell Let's Talk

Visit the Bell Let's talk website here 

Their 5 ideas on things you can do not just today but everyday! Let's keep the talk going? 

Bell Let's Talk

So today in Canada it's sort of a Mental Health Awareness day - called Bell Let's talk.
Today Bell (A Canadian cellphone company) 

  • Tweet using #BellLetsTalk
  • Share of the Facebook image
  • Text message sent* 
  • Mobile & long distance call made* (the calls & texts are only applicable with Bell plans) 
The idea is to start a dialogue and encourage people to try to open up about Mental Illness. The four pillars that Bell  let's talk actively support are 
  • Anti Stigma 
  • Care and Access 
  • Work Place Health 
  • Research 
And today the 2015 Bell Lets talk campaign is encouraging people to take 5 very easy steps that they can do daily to help work towards ending the stigma that is still very much an Issue within the Mental Health Community. 
  • Language Matters - Words can both Help & hurt so pay attention to Which ones you choose to use.
  • Educate yourself - There are still a lot of misconceptions, misunderstandings and unfortunate Myths that still exist about Mental Illness. Educate yourself on the issues as much as possible. And most importantly please if you are feeling alone, please, seriously look up how to get Crisis help via something like Google. There are things like Crisis LInes/Hot lines and other things you can turn to when you feel completely hopeless! 
  • Be Kind - small acts of kindness can go a long way towards making a big difference. it can be as simple as Smiling at someone! 
  • Listen and Ask - Sometimes the best things you can do is Ask & then truly listen! 
  • Talk about it - Create a dialogue not a debate! 
I challenge you to to try implementing a few of these things within your own daily lives! And of course I encourage you to help the Cause and tweet and share the Facebook Picture (I will try my best to give links to everything. 

5 ways you can help

December 2014 Update


Monday, January 26, 2015

I think the time has come... to SAY GREETINGS HUMANS

Hey what's up, I'm Chelsea and I'm from Canada! I love MOVIES & the movie industry in general. My dream job would be some type of Entertainment Media job like Movie Critic. Having said that though I do think that being a movie critic would perhaps take my joy out of movies. 

Anyway I am from a Small town (Born and raised) Love movies, devour books and enjoy the fine arts. Including and not limited to Dancing like a maniac in my home and singing (preferably where no one can hear me.) However I'm going to contradict myself with my last statement.

 I LOVE ACTING - mainly  Theater and acting on stage (have loved it since I was 5 & in my first school play.) I have become pretty involved with my local Community acting group, having acted in 4 plays with them since my first Play way back in 2008 - where I played a Postulant Nun as part of the Nun's  choir in the Sound of Music.  During which time I learned LATIN. Meaning I learned to sing in Latin. 

This past fall I had the privilege to be cast in my first Principal Role with the group where I played another Nun in another Musical (HEY look progress after 6 years with the group.) I had the honor to Play SIster Amnesia in our production of Nunset Boulevard (Part of Dan Groggins Nunsense Musicals.) IT WAS a ROLE that I truly connected with for the first time and truly became the character. It was also an experience I loved working with a close ensemble cast of 4 other extraordinary women to support me during our time together! 

Another thing I do really enjoy is the world of Special FX Makeup Artistry. I think it's such a unique career and experience, I feel it's it's this really cool way to show case your artistic skills.  Especially since the master pieces you create are not exactly tangible in the sense that unlike painting a picture (for example) your art won't remain forever. At some point it will disappear like when the person you just made up finally takes off the makeup. The exception being of course if you made a mold/Body cast/facial cast. 

I myself dabble in the art of Special FX Makeup and particularly enjoy the Gore/Horror/BLOOD play sub types. I sort of turned to Special FX makeup one day as a last ditch effort of self therapy. In the past I had a lot of problems with Self Harm and since messing around with this messy yet exhilarating Hobby I have been clean of Cutting since 2012 & free of self Harm since 2013 when I quit burning myself with matches. 

I am completely self taught and learn from Google, Instagram, and Youtube but for the most part I whip out my mish mash of Halloween makeup & HOUSEHOLD stuff, and just go for it without really trying for a particular look. My favorite time of the year for my Makeup is Halloween time (September - all the way to December) WHICH I fondly take part in Chelsea's CRAZY MAKEUP challenge & set out to find all the Makeup Contests & participate in as many as possible. And oddly enough I am not half bad as I have numerous small time contests (Like Shout outs on Instagram which may not mean much to people but when you get shouted out for something your crazy passionate about and LOVE doing, it's amazing.) Plus through instagram I built up a network and follow MUA (that's MAKEUP ARTISTS) from around the world whose work I admire & some of whom admire my own Makeup creations in turn. 

To date I have actually won 3 prize related Contests with regards to my crazed contest entering Obsessiveness.  Twice I actually got the aforementioned Prize (A Makeup Bag/brush bag & MAKEUP from last year) and this year I got a book about life planning (Not as interesting) but it was for a week day Daily entries contest (meaning you could enter every day until end of the month or you were finally crowned winner) albeit the contest was pretty tiny (I'm sure they quit getting entries after the first week or so) but I came across it near the end of the month and JUMPED on the chance to enter it (OBVIOUSLY.) 

Currently I'm eagerly awaiting the results of the final contest I entered in the 2014 Halloween Season (Which the deadline was in December like I want to say the 6th/first week) and I ended up creating a LOOK on the day the entry was DUE, managed to do a look, film clips/take pictures and upload my entry within like 3 hours. Not to mention I managed to also take off my makeup (FULL blood face) and go to a local HOCKEY game within that time frame (best record for me.) 

AUDFACED is like one of the first Special FX MUA's I found and actually followed on Youtube after stumbling on her Samara Morgan from the Ring Makeup! I loved hearing about her following her dreams and working towards her goals of FX MUA. However my favorite part of her channel would be her yearly Halloween Makeup Contests! The sheer amount of talent that always came from them was mind boggling - so many creative and talented people out there both Amateur & trained! Whether it was as an contest entrant or just a Youtuber FAN FOLLOWER - we all connected with her Halloween videos. She always made the Contests cool & themed and she herself PUT lot's of effort into filming the contest videos (usually dressing up in her own theme.) She's such a fabulous Makeup Artist and I love how she's stayed true to herself, hasn't let anything get to her head (Like YOUTUBE with her 6.8 million channel views/60k subscribers and her numerous popular videos.) 
I think she's stayed pure with her Youtube journey both as a person & a professional. And it's nice to see.  

Anyway I'm a BIG FAN girl of her's and that makes me even happier to say that the final contest I entered for the Halloween Makeup season this past fall was her 2014 HALLOWEEN Makeup Contest. In all the years I watched her/eagerly awaited the yearly contests, I never once imagined I would ever find a day where I entered an Audfaced Halloween contest. However after saying What the heck and taking the chance I did it (Albeit I did in the not so great way of entering very last minute as I already stated) but now no matter what I can say that one of my first Special FX MUA IDOL's has looked over and seen my work (Even if it was just that one video/look) and that means the world to me! 

SO there now you know 2 kind of big things about myself and I'm sure as time goes on I will keep posting here because I've found writing to be kind of helpful for my life at the moment. And like the somewhat Anonymity I get here. I CAN RAMBLE ON FOR AGES here where as on YOUTUBE I really have to return to my old throw back "Vlog" type videos where I kept my ramblings to under 5 minutes & usually did 1 takes... Lately I tend to just ramble ON AND ON AND ON and then because I did that I have to refilm it and then sometimes I TALK EVEN longer. And then I have to write all the clips into my notebook (I call it the idea/filming/producing [Since I have to take like technical votes of length/clip number] so I can co-relate it on the COMPUTER. lol. and also LONG VIDEOS suck because I think I have the crappiest internet connection when it comes to crap like uploading because one time a 7 minute video took 9 hours (no JOKE) to successfully upload to the Tubes of You (& I of course)  

I CONTINUALLY have a huge LADY crush on the Samsung Galaxy Cameras. basically it's a Digital Camera (and the specs of the camera keep getting better with each model - so far that's 2) that is a HYBRID of a CAMERA & A TABLET with ANDROID operating System inside the CAMERA! MEANING I CAN FILM - and UPLOAD to the YOUTUBE without having to go through the dreadfully tedious tasks of FILMING ---> uploading camera content to Computer (and now for some reason my computer tends to reject my photo's from my camera like 9 times out of 10 & it takes multiple times of either logging off/shutting down to get it to successfully transfer the files... OR IT does the annoying thing where it will like upload 5 out of like 100+ files and then I have to go through the renaming (and I try to name my files like December 2014 or get specific like say December 2014 SLEDDING/XMAS etc meaning I have to have 2 different files for the same bloody set of photos... 

PLUS there's always the fear that YOUTUBE will be like my computer and reject my file after waiting hours on END not letting the computer shut down/letting others use it BECAUSE YOU CAn't LEAVE this freaking upload screen (wth youtube get with it... let us escape the window confinement.) 
I mean if I had a tablet it would be like the camera and I can upload straight to YOUTUBE minus the computer/cables/uploading.) 

ANYWAY now you know even more about me. I LOVE cameras/videography/photography..... I have for quite some time now... WAY back when my dad had a BRICK for a digital Camera I remember I was either demanding photos or stealing the camera which is how it went until like 2006 & I finally got my own camera! usually I'm a Sony Cyber Shot GIRL (2 beloved cameras) but the past two times of buying a camera (within 2 months of eachother at the time) I choose a ruby red nikon because i SAW WIFI AND WAS LIKE OMG MY DREAM camera only to be mislead into the idea that it wasn't wifi parsay but could latch onto and "Send" files to phones/tablets using like blue tooth or something? 

Anyway my Phone (I LOVE IT regardless of my next statement) hasn't had like full storage compacity since I bought it in 2012... I bought my first Android - HTC S1. LOVE the phone however daily curse the dummies who SAID HEY let's not let our phone have expandable memory - wouldn't that be amazing (Amazing said no one ever...) I MEAN other than lack of memory the phone is AMAZING and to me has yet to be truly outdated (the screen hasn't cracked regardless of surving my Nannying Days & toddler adventures, even a hOusefire couldn't kill it - mind oyu it wasn't in the room as the fire... so) 
Besides a few tiny nicks in the hardware/case, and weird faded paint thing (WHICH I blame on the constant casing I used to put it under...) and a year now being free of a CASE & screen protector.... IT's ALIVE. And the camera specs are still fantastic imo as are the screen & even the computer part of the phone... Speakers suck though & So does phone calls... ANYWAY 

BACK to my camera - since I got it pretty much I have never been able to transfer more than two pictures through "WIFI" to my phone because obviously Digital Camera photos are like freaking van gouhs FILE SIZE wise and it's like trying to fit a Van Gough into the Mona Lisa Frame (which I've heard is small) 

ANYWAY I have thousands of pictures of everything & anything! In Highschool alone between like grades 10-12 (Which I took twice due to not having enough credits to graduate) I took like 15,000 pictures! I take artsy pictures, took lots of myself (been doing makeup as a stress reliever thing for years tbh just not the whole BLOOD/GORE/HORROR aspect - back in the day it was like today I'm going to turn myself into a GEISHA using my most Geisha like clothes, creating crazy buns, and USING BABY POWDER for my white face base. 

SO YEAH WOW I covered a lot here. THANKS for listening or reading or really just thank yuo to this BLOG & WRITING space... I really needed to just RAMBLE tonight! 

Cheers & until next time You bloggy bloggers you (or you creepy creepers) or my friends whom I have no clue got to my blog! 

HAVE A WONDERFUL Night, Morning, Day, and time wherever you are and whatever you are doing 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Random Ramblings about how I'm over flowing with Scottish Pride

You know what I should be doing instead of you know deciding to go all Hard core whilst celebrating ROBERT BURNS day because you know Scottish Pride?
1. Creating a comprehensive Social Media strategy plan (That's actually a legit responsibility I have at the moment that will probably have to be done sometime in the next month/month and a half) [SIDE note I'm probably going to take this plan and if everything works out work on it further and  present it to the Board during the AGM and make a case to start a Social media position on the board.]
2. Script work because I think that's something I just straight up love and also currently kind of sort of have to do, mind you I have till April.
3.  or working on my life which would be February Calendar/Goal setting, working on my own social media, and life planning (WHICH I have a lot of choices to make atm to be honest)

YOU KNOW WHAT I am doing though I'm just searching up the hundreds of Robert Burns/ Scottish Related recipes that I COULD sort of probably never ever have time to make TODAY, but hey I'm planning ahead for what I CAN MAKE next year right? EACH year make something different.

However I can more or less just MASH several recipes together because food/basic ingredients are more or less the same. Like I can make one EPIC vegetable MASH thing combining Tatties/neeps (Which are apparently essential to a Burns Supper) and I've found a vegetarian Haggis. BOOM then just have to either pick a Soup or combine everything and MAKE AN EPIC SOUP, and then make some Scottish Bannock, and then yeah pick 1-3 dessert theme recipes and create the EASIEST thing in the world which is OATCAKES (literally I made these several times last year albeit slightly different each time dependent on the reason as to why I had to make it)

Basically today will be all about vegetable prep like peeling/chopping/dicing/cubing/grating  & then SAUTEING/frying/Mashing  (because a vast majority of the things are catered around several main vegetables being prepared 4 different basic ways & then added to the various dish.)  Boom the veggies then are basically either ROASTED/FRIED/or boiled. BOOM there we have the MAIN ROBERT BURNS veggie Dishes.

the rest are pretty much Baking convection (bread/cookie etc) or stove top such as Boiling/steaming whatever I do to the pudding, then basically candy making which is letting some stuff in a PAN get SUPER freaking HOT and pouring it into respective dishes without either burning myself, burning/ruining the pan, or over heating the stuff.

SO YEAH that's my day.
Sometimes my ADHD gets the best of me. I make plans to make plans to create schedules to create to do lists to try to follow through & MY BRAIN IS JUST LIKE YEAH NO FORGET that JUNK let's spend hours on END doing ONE THING but DOING IT HARDCORE.

So Scottish PRIDE ADHD mode made me go HARDCORE for RECIPES that I may or may never ever actually make. ANd this is has been RANDOM RAMBLINGS with chelsea folks

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Life Stories & how they continue on even after you die

I've sort of come to this conclusion several times over now in the past several months... You know sometimes your life story simply ends with no rhyme or reason - other times you foretell the ending before it happens. You've read the story before. It's not unexpected but it's not without bitterness. However the true comfort is that just because your life story has ended doesn't mean it's truly over. It will remain within the libraries that your loved ones carry with them. A collection of moments, experiences and encounters. So long as there are people here who still remember you and pass your story along, it never truly dies. It still exists, it's perhaps ended but people will still read it and remember it.
 — feeling incomplete.

Loss of people especially people you never expect to lose and secondly you never realize how much they meant to you upon their passing. It's like a puzzle and no matter what you do you'll never have the pieces. They are gone - and I will will likely never get them back. Loss brings so many emotions regret mostly - of missed chances and opportunities and of questions that will likely never get answers. However you sit there with your incomplete puzzle and you treasure the pieces you do have - the picture it does create albeit not fully.

Grief is such a tricky thing to try to explain let alone to begin to understand. With it comes so many things. It's like this unwanted Pandora box that you didn't realize would impact your life to such an extent. I will probably dig up my early posts about loss of loved ones that I wrote on the other two occasions that I came face to face with death earlier this year
I wish more than anything I could bring the people back I lost however I cannot do this - no one can. We must try to move forward as best we can even if we don't even know how that is. We have to try to find the lessons that each day bring us be it ones we never wanted to learn or those we so patiently spent mastering.
Life or at least ourselves are very much like magnets without the positives and the negatives we cannot live in one piece. We need a little bit of both in order to grow. We have the power within ourselves to attract things and dispel them at our own choosing.

So right now though it seems impossible I'm going to accept that today was another unexpectedly tragic day but there is something here to learn from - to grow from

You know sometimes your life story simply ends with no rhyme or reason - other times you foretell the ending before it happens. You've read the story before. It's not unexpected but it's not without bitterness. However the true comfort is that just because your life story has ended doesn't mean it's truly over. It will remain within the libraries that your loved ones carry with them. A collection of moments, experiences and encounters. So long as there are people here who still remember you and pass your story along, it never truly dies. It still exists, it's perhaps ended but people will still read it and remember it.

Losing people is NOT FUN

So back in May when my friend passed away I wrote a few different things with regards to Death & loss and what not. Sort of a way to cope and what not. However when I was writing those things in May I truly had no clue I would be referencing it so much afterwards.

I learned today that a Man I consider to be my Grandfather passed away yesterday. Mind you he was in his 80's and had an incredibly long & wonderful life - Living to see not one but two Great Grandchildren (3 if you count his step grandson) and luckily he was able to meet his Great Grandson in the fall and catch up with his Great Grand Daughter. In the end this is what he wanted - he more or less choose this time to leave us. But it's still very hard as he was a part of my life  for so very long. I became fast friends with his Grand Daughter when we were both five (We are 20 days apart in age thus both 23) and he has been in my life since. So that's what 18 years? My math is foggy tonight; my head is foggy tonight.

I really had high hopes for 2015 after such a really difficult 2014.
I had to come face to face with fire and deal with the after math of having had a small House fire. This was followed by the death of my Young friend (only 20) in May which proceeded my father ending up in Hospital for a month & going without a bathroom upstairs for 3 months. Well my father was in Hospital he became friends with his Hospital Mate (Like a roomate) Karl who shared his room for like 95% of their stay. Naturally we befriended Karl who didn't have many friends however he sadly passed away in July.
In the last few days of 2014 I had high hopes, 2014 was nearly done. I was ready to say good bye to loss & sadness. And then on New Years Eve I found out my cousin passed away.

Now the weekend of her funeral (I wasn't able to attend, my mom got to go I stayed home to look after my dad) literally the day after I loss My Grandfather Ken. So brilliant way to start 2015 hey.

So anyway I will probably be posting lot's of my previous thoughts about my friend/loss/grief/dealing with death and what not...

The odd comfort of my cousin's passing is that her passing was a transition from Pain to being Pain free. She is in a place where her body is now her own and no longer plagued with cancer. However now it's her loved ones that are experiencing pain - the pain from losing her.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Chelsea's Guide to Household Inventory's

Basically your Inventory should at the very least include Room, Item, Quantity, Price paid or Estimated price you purchased it for and a notes section.

My Inventory is slightly more specific. I included Room, Item category (is it Cleaning/linen/electronic etc), item (BE SPECIFIC) Explain Cleaning Wipes would become Clorox Jumbo Cleaning Wipes unscented, the quantity, the price you paid or estimated price you paid, notes on where you can find the Receipt or details on the warranty/proof of purchase, date purchased, you could even include a tab for Big appliances Like Plumber last worked on Toilet on this DATE etc, and then a section for notes. 

Here is a simplified Excel spreadsheet. 

The last two tabs say Price & notes respectively. 

Now some other helpful things to include would be
  •  Photographs, and or videos as well. Noting the item in it's normal place & on it's own. 
  •  create both a Digital and Hard (printed out) version of your inventory. 
  • Make sure a second copy of your Inventory exists in a safe place Either electronically (USB/CD/Hard drive) this could be your safety deposit box or leaving a copy with Executor of your will, or with a trusted Family member or friend. 

Heads up guys I enjoy playing with Fake blood as a Hobby SO

SO  this POST RIGHT here is a FABULOUS freaking way to start 2015! I HAVE ALWAYS loved watching Audfaced makeup videos and looooook forward to  her Halloween contests. It was always one of my BHAG reach for the stars won't ever happen dream of creating my own master piece of Horror FX and entering an Audfaced Halloween contest and VIOLA HERE'S MY ENTRY for her 2014 CONTEST! I AM ubber excited to even just get freaking show cased by her forget the long shot of winning, GUYS AUDFACED has looked at my MAKEUP WORK, LIKE WHAT even? I'm so incredibly excited. Honestly I never enter these things to win - always to challenge myself creatively and just branch out and take as many oppurtunities as possible. It's about learning, growing and just showcasing this bizarre little talent of mine. I've met so many fantastic people on IG through Horror FX and traded tips and just ohhed and awed at everyone's talent. 

BAM anyway yeah go check it out and show it some love on facebook if you would be so kind! 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Household Inventory Quick tips

Household inventory Woes 

Creating a Household inventory especially one that is meticulously over detailed and totally thorough and organized to a perfect T. It's a boring dull job that no one really wants to or ever thinks of doing. 
However when you end up in a crazy unexpected, you literally never thought you would ever be in. You never think about how helpful a Household inventory of all your stuff (Trinkets & JUNK drawers that are secretly Narnia's of Stuff included) can be when your starting into ash trying to identify the mishmash of black goo that was once your things. Nor can you believe how helpful it would have been to have an inventory of your entire personal library of BOOKS as you sit in your flood basement adding to the wetness with your tears for your poor babies. Imagine having to deal with someone not only breaking into your house but now on top of all that you have to figure out exactly what they took (Police like details & insurance people like proof of things) and your trying to remember where you put that receipt for that TV you bought during that sale last winter... 

Household inventories are a thing that someone should do as second nature. You should want to catalog your stuff. These are your best friends for when the unexpected does happen and will save you huge amounts of potential future stress if you ever find yourself facing one of these extremely stressful situations. Plus household inventories serve as Physical proof of your things so if you ever face a situation where you have to deal with things like Insurance companies/Restoration & endless documents. This gives you credibility that you can wave in their faces... 

SO these are my FAST FACTS and helpful starting suggestions that may even make this chore FUN! 

  • Go Room by Room and give yourself massive amounts of time to finish say like a month 
  • Divide the room up into small projects like Storage containers (So go dresser by dresser) or divide it into Object uses so say Cleaning supplies, linens. 
  • Be sure to take photos of everything in the room as it is (including ceiling & floor and even walls) 
  • Be sure you have a picture of each item where it is in the room & by itself... 
Are you struggling with this task still? Well why not take the let's get rid of two birds with one stone, approach. Turn this tedious project into a part of a Bigger project.

Option A - Will Creation 
tackle two tedious projects at once and make your Household Inventory and your Will (even if it's unofficial and just a typed up word Document) in tandem. They are basically the same thing you're creating lists of everything you own. This is a good time to take note of objects that of value (and could cause problems for people if something tragic happens to you.) When there is no will it causes Drama/frusteration/anger and can cause huge family fights. It's better to have your Finacacially high valued items designated to people, or requested to be sold & money split, or given to charities/museums. 
Secondly take note of sentimental value items things that you think people would like to have to remember you by. For instance I got a small mickey mouse Pin from my Great Aunt (She was like my grandma and I saw her every weekend kind of idea) when her daughter went through and gave someone something from her Non Valuable jewelry. I treasure it because it was hers & I got a piece of that. 

 Make it part of your spring cleaning plan. 
  1. Clean everything in the room & the room itself
  2. Use those pintrest skills to do some Prime Organization creation projects. In each room is the room being used to it's best potential? If not how can you make that a reality? Figure out if there's anything You can either put aside to donate or sell and make some money (Everyone loves that right?) 
  3. And well you're doing all of that or even afterwards then do your inventory (it will be the easy project after doing all the other stuff.