Friday, January 2, 2015

Heads up guys I enjoy playing with Fake blood as a Hobby SO

SO  this POST RIGHT here is a FABULOUS freaking way to start 2015! I HAVE ALWAYS loved watching Audfaced makeup videos and looooook forward to  her Halloween contests. It was always one of my BHAG reach for the stars won't ever happen dream of creating my own master piece of Horror FX and entering an Audfaced Halloween contest and VIOLA HERE'S MY ENTRY for her 2014 CONTEST! I AM ubber excited to even just get freaking show cased by her forget the long shot of winning, GUYS AUDFACED has looked at my MAKEUP WORK, LIKE WHAT even? I'm so incredibly excited. Honestly I never enter these things to win - always to challenge myself creatively and just branch out and take as many oppurtunities as possible. It's about learning, growing and just showcasing this bizarre little talent of mine. I've met so many fantastic people on IG through Horror FX and traded tips and just ohhed and awed at everyone's talent. 

BAM anyway yeah go check it out and show it some love on facebook if you would be so kind! 

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