Friday, January 2, 2015

Chelsea's Guide to Household Inventory's

Basically your Inventory should at the very least include Room, Item, Quantity, Price paid or Estimated price you purchased it for and a notes section.

My Inventory is slightly more specific. I included Room, Item category (is it Cleaning/linen/electronic etc), item (BE SPECIFIC) Explain Cleaning Wipes would become Clorox Jumbo Cleaning Wipes unscented, the quantity, the price you paid or estimated price you paid, notes on where you can find the Receipt or details on the warranty/proof of purchase, date purchased, you could even include a tab for Big appliances Like Plumber last worked on Toilet on this DATE etc, and then a section for notes. 

Here is a simplified Excel spreadsheet. 

The last two tabs say Price & notes respectively. 

Now some other helpful things to include would be
  •  Photographs, and or videos as well. Noting the item in it's normal place & on it's own. 
  •  create both a Digital and Hard (printed out) version of your inventory. 
  • Make sure a second copy of your Inventory exists in a safe place Either electronically (USB/CD/Hard drive) this could be your safety deposit box or leaving a copy with Executor of your will, or with a trusted Family member or friend. 

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