Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Bell Let's Talk

So today in Canada it's sort of a Mental Health Awareness day - called Bell Let's talk.
Today Bell (A Canadian cellphone company) 

  • Tweet using #BellLetsTalk
  • Share of the Facebook image
  • Text message sent* 
  • Mobile & long distance call made* (the calls & texts are only applicable with Bell plans) 
The idea is to start a dialogue and encourage people to try to open up about Mental Illness. The four pillars that Bell  let's talk actively support are 
  • Anti Stigma 
  • Care and Access 
  • Work Place Health 
  • Research 
And today the 2015 Bell Lets talk campaign is encouraging people to take 5 very easy steps that they can do daily to help work towards ending the stigma that is still very much an Issue within the Mental Health Community. 
  • Language Matters - Words can both Help & hurt so pay attention to Which ones you choose to use.
  • Educate yourself - There are still a lot of misconceptions, misunderstandings and unfortunate Myths that still exist about Mental Illness. Educate yourself on the issues as much as possible. And most importantly please if you are feeling alone, please, seriously look up how to get Crisis help via something like Google. There are things like Crisis LInes/Hot lines and other things you can turn to when you feel completely hopeless! 
  • Be Kind - small acts of kindness can go a long way towards making a big difference. it can be as simple as Smiling at someone! 
  • Listen and Ask - Sometimes the best things you can do is Ask & then truly listen! 
  • Talk about it - Create a dialogue not a debate! 
I challenge you to to try implementing a few of these things within your own daily lives! And of course I encourage you to help the Cause and tweet and share the Facebook Picture (I will try my best to give links to everything. 

5 ways you can help

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