Thursday, January 1, 2015

Household Inventory Quick tips

Household inventory Woes 

Creating a Household inventory especially one that is meticulously over detailed and totally thorough and organized to a perfect T. It's a boring dull job that no one really wants to or ever thinks of doing. 
However when you end up in a crazy unexpected, you literally never thought you would ever be in. You never think about how helpful a Household inventory of all your stuff (Trinkets & JUNK drawers that are secretly Narnia's of Stuff included) can be when your starting into ash trying to identify the mishmash of black goo that was once your things. Nor can you believe how helpful it would have been to have an inventory of your entire personal library of BOOKS as you sit in your flood basement adding to the wetness with your tears for your poor babies. Imagine having to deal with someone not only breaking into your house but now on top of all that you have to figure out exactly what they took (Police like details & insurance people like proof of things) and your trying to remember where you put that receipt for that TV you bought during that sale last winter... 

Household inventories are a thing that someone should do as second nature. You should want to catalog your stuff. These are your best friends for when the unexpected does happen and will save you huge amounts of potential future stress if you ever find yourself facing one of these extremely stressful situations. Plus household inventories serve as Physical proof of your things so if you ever face a situation where you have to deal with things like Insurance companies/Restoration & endless documents. This gives you credibility that you can wave in their faces... 

SO these are my FAST FACTS and helpful starting suggestions that may even make this chore FUN! 

  • Go Room by Room and give yourself massive amounts of time to finish say like a month 
  • Divide the room up into small projects like Storage containers (So go dresser by dresser) or divide it into Object uses so say Cleaning supplies, linens. 
  • Be sure to take photos of everything in the room as it is (including ceiling & floor and even walls) 
  • Be sure you have a picture of each item where it is in the room & by itself... 
Are you struggling with this task still? Well why not take the let's get rid of two birds with one stone, approach. Turn this tedious project into a part of a Bigger project.

Option A - Will Creation 
tackle two tedious projects at once and make your Household Inventory and your Will (even if it's unofficial and just a typed up word Document) in tandem. They are basically the same thing you're creating lists of everything you own. This is a good time to take note of objects that of value (and could cause problems for people if something tragic happens to you.) When there is no will it causes Drama/frusteration/anger and can cause huge family fights. It's better to have your Finacacially high valued items designated to people, or requested to be sold & money split, or given to charities/museums. 
Secondly take note of sentimental value items things that you think people would like to have to remember you by. For instance I got a small mickey mouse Pin from my Great Aunt (She was like my grandma and I saw her every weekend kind of idea) when her daughter went through and gave someone something from her Non Valuable jewelry. I treasure it because it was hers & I got a piece of that. 

 Make it part of your spring cleaning plan. 
  1. Clean everything in the room & the room itself
  2. Use those pintrest skills to do some Prime Organization creation projects. In each room is the room being used to it's best potential? If not how can you make that a reality? Figure out if there's anything You can either put aside to donate or sell and make some money (Everyone loves that right?) 
  3. And well you're doing all of that or even afterwards then do your inventory (it will be the easy project after doing all the other stuff. 

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